Tuesday, August 21, 2007

My Goddess Box

So I made my Goddess Box. I filled with all sorts of prayers and things that I lifted up to the Goddess-may she answer them, and hear my heart's desire. I also worked on a meditation exersize to open your chakras, and get you centered. Just focusing on your centers, and listening to some relaxing music is nice. I do this before I do my yoga, which-YES, I did today.

I'm pretty proud of myself. I have to write a college essay for my application to school. I plan on attending in January, with the Goddess' help. I'm taking full time online classes. It's a lot, I know. But I have to. Or else, I'll never be finished!

I'm also taking priestess training. I'm really excited about that. I love to study and learn, so this is a great opportunity for me. Plus when I'm done, I'll have a snazzy new title that sounds cool. LOL

My darling daughter has continued her fascination with her mobile. She talks to them. I'm convinced that there are some faires around, that are entertaining her. Of course, everything's amusing to a 3 month old.

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