Tuesday, July 31, 2007

By force...

So I'm forcing myself to get out into the world and do something. I'm lazy today. Don't really feel like doing anything exept laying around in my sweaty house clothes and watching tv. But dammit, I'm going out today. Out to manhattan, if only for a little while. It's a little lonely, being out and about by yourself...but at least I get some peace of mind. A chance to catch up with myself.
Yes, I'll be carrying my baby around, but hey...she's cute you know?
What else can I say? I'm going away this weekend...that should be fun. Going to a pow wow. Of course, my hubsband had to schedule some recording session the night before. What the heck? With all the running around that is involved in trip, he can't afford to go out the night before. We have a million things to do.
And just one thing-am I the only one that has an entire bag dedicated to my toiletries and products?

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