Thursday, September 27, 2007

I have to go to this..

I really do. This looks like such a good time. If only I had more friggin money. I hate being broke.
Why is it that when you are broke, you find so many great things to spend money on?
Ugh. I need a rich uncle.
clipped from

October New Moon Circle: Finding Balance
Wednesday, October 10th

When: Wedensday, October 10th at 7pm
Where:Children’s Aid Society, 219 Sullivan Street (between Bleecker and W3rd)
Cost: $25 pre-registration, $30 at the door, FREE for women participating in Journey to Yourself 2008
Investment: Free
Reservations Required: RSVP: to Joanna or Dawn at or 212-501-3892

This is the evening to take time just for you, identify where you would like to bring things back into balance, and take steps towards that goal.

This month, we look at the ways our lives are in and out of balance. Where are you placing too much energy? And, where would you like to be placing more? Perhaps right now you are super-focused on your career, but it’s leaving no time for your romantic life. Or perhaps life has been so busy that you feel you’ve been neglecting your health and well-being.

 blog it

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